Braintumour Forum
Eine digitale Plattform mit vielfältigen Funktionen
- Neuigkeiten aus Wissenschaft und Forschung
- Patienten fragen - Experten antworten
- Austausch von Betroffenen untereinander
- Gleichbetroffene in der Nähe finden
- Archiv mit 110.000 kategorisierten Beiträgen
A platform with diverse functions
For more than 15 years the DHH has been providing an internet forum for patients, which is regularly used by thousands of interested people. There one can easily get access to over 10.000 threads and 25.000 records in total.
Besides the opportunity to search for specific information, visitors are also able to exchange questions, knowledge and experiences with other patients and their relatives and friends. It is in fact a free and simple way to get in touch with other like-minded. Communicating with each other is to be a helping hand struggling with problems and sorrows that come along with the disease.
Twenty-four-seven medical questions can be asked, where to specialists will be answering shortly after. This specialists are voluntarily working doctors, such as affected sharing their knowledge. In addition news and current progresses in science are discussed on a regular basis.
Functions, such as the thematic search option and individual bookmarks allow registered users to filter articles and find those topics easily, that matter to them. Beyond that there is subsequent information about addresses of neurosurgical clinics and maps including positions of psycho oncologists and regional references.
Another resent function further enables users to create a personal profile, where they can upload their own MRT-, CT- and private pictures, whereby users always have access to their documents online. When unlocking them, members of the forum may connect with the individual disease stories of others and get insights to their lives.
The continuous advancement and optimisation of the forum is expected to improve the exchange of experiences and mutual support. Respecting individual wishes and constructive advise, there is always the opportunity to approach us with ideas, feedback and questions.
This link will take you to the Brain tumor forum
Please note that our forum is currently only available in German language
What is an Internet forum?
An Internet forum is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.
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