Overview about all Articles
Please note that our magazine Brainstorm is currently only available in German language.

Brainstorm 18
- Klinische Studien
- Supportive Therapie
- Floureszenzgestützte Resektion maligner Gliome
- Im Gespräch mit dem Präsident der Society for Neuro-Oncology
- ASCO-Meeting: Neuigkeiten vom weltgrößten Krebskongress
- Erfahrungsbericht:Diagnose Glioblastom

Brainstorm 17
- Jod-Brachytherapie
- Diagnostik und Therapie primärer ZNS-Lymphome
- Antiangiogene Therapie mit Bevacizumab
- Psychoonkologische Maßnahmen
- Interview mit Professor Dr. Michael Weller
- Erfahrungsbericht: Trotz Krebs auf den Kilimanjaro

Brainstorm 16
- Brain tumour radiotherapy groundwork
- Current therapy of brain metastasis
- EANO- of the grade II gliomas
- Second opinion
- Interview with Professor James T. Rutka
- Congress report of the ASCO annual meeting
- Experience report: 13 years of glioblastoma

Brainstorm 15
- Treatment options for gliomas
- Stereotactic biopsy
- What is the MGMT status?
- Interview with Professor Rolf Bjerkvig
- News from the ASCO-Meeting 2010
- Acoustic neuroma - Chances of treatment
- Out-patient palliative care
- Congress reports

Brainstorm 14
- Resection of gliomas
- Medulloblastoma
- Interview with Prof. M. Berger
- Chemotherapy
- Rehabilitation of brain tumour patients
- News from the ASCO-Meeting 2008
- Pros and cons of cancer diets
- Nutrition in case of treatment-related side effects

Brainstorm 13
- Long-term survival
- Treatment of cerebral edema
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Debus
- Tyrosin kinase inhibitors
- Tumourboards in hospitals
- New WHO-classification
- Stress disorders

Brainstorm 12
- Clinical trials in the field of neurooncology
- Interview with Prof. Bigner (Duke University)
- Jod125-seeds for the treatment of brain tumours
- Photodynamic therapy with 5-ALA
- Epileptic seizures in brain tumour patients
- Highlights ASCO 2007
- Advance directive and durable power of attorney

Brainstorm 11
- Monitoring in brain tumour resections
- Interview with PD Dr. R. Stupp
- Radioimmunotherapy of malignant gliomas
- Anti-Angiogenic therapy of high-grade gliomas
- Immunotherapy with dendritic cells
- Pros and cons of mistletoe therapy
- Palliative care for brain tumour patients

Brainstorm 10
- Recurrent therapy of gliomas
- Recurrent radiation therapy
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Bamberg
- Laser optical methods for tumour representation
- Results of 5-ALA Study
- News from the ASCO-Meeting 2006
- Psychosocial co-treatment of relatives

Brainstorm 9
- Supportive therapy
- Chemotherapy of malignant gliomas
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Westphal
- Diagnosis with FET-PET
- Immunotherapy of brain tumours
- Doctor-Patient-Relationship
- 5 years glioblastoma

Brainstorm 8
- Treatment of meningiomas
- Recurrent radiation therapy of low-grade gliomas
- Higher brain tumour risk caused by mobile phones?
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Wiestler
- Boswellia Serrata
- Drug-releasing Biodegradable Microspheres
- Patients ask - experts respond

Brainstorm 7
- Local therapies for brain tumours
- Interview with PD Dr. med. Rainov
- Radiosurgery in gliomas
- PET as a method for diagnosis
- Psychological influences on oncological diseases
- News from science and research

Brainstorm Newsletter 2004
- Genetic characteristics as a prognostic factor
- Therapy of malignant gliomas with AP12009
- Efficacy of imatinib and hydroxyurea
- PTK787/ZK222584 in combination with lomustin
- Erlotinib in the treatment of recurrent glioblastomas
- Clinical prognostic factors in patients with glioblastoma

Brainstorm 6
- Treatment of brain metastasis
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Ostertag
- New aspects of chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy of brain tumours
- Prognostic factors in low-grade gliomas
- News from science and research
- Clinical trials - hope for patients

Brainstorm 5
- Supportive therapies
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. M. Weller
- Radio peptid therapy of malignant gliomas
- Possibilities of chemosensitivity testing
- Causes for the development of brain tumours
- Quality of brain tumour resection
- Epilepsy treatment
- Epilepsy and driving

Brainstorm 4
- Radiation therapy of gliomas
- Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of brain metastasis
- Interstitial brachytherapy after resection
- PC vs. PCV chemotherapy of oligodendrogliomas
- Resistence factors in the chemotherapy
- Interview with Dr. med. G. Dresemann
- Dendritic cell-based therapies for brain tumours
- Severely handicapped pass

Brainstorm 3
- 3-D surgical planning and neuronavigation
- Neuropsychology of brain tumours
- Psycho-counseling
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. S. Vogel
- Causes and genetics of brain tumours
- News from medical journals
- Report of the 9th Brain Tumour Day in Berlin

Brainstorm 2
- Local chemotherapy of malignant gliomas
- Patients ask - experts respond
- Clinical report: stereotactic treatment (Cologne)
- Interview with Prof. Dr. med. V. Sturm
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Self help and disease management
- Greetings from Heiko Herrlich

Brainstorm 1
- Multimodal therapy malignant brain tumours
- Results of clinical studies
- Boswellia serreta and traditional medicine
- Latest news from medical journals
- Patients and the Internet
- Regional support for brain tumour patients
- Patients ask - experts respond