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How do Brain Tumours arise?

Risk factors and causes for the occurrence of brain tumours are mainly unknown. According to  the current scientific knowledge, there is no higher risk such as environmental factors, alimentary habits, stress/mental stress or electromagnetic fields of mobile radio causing brain tumours. Likewise there is no further connection between brain injuries and the occurrence of brain tumours.

Only direct, radioactive exposure in childhood, as it is necessary for the treatment of other serious diseases, slightly raises the risk of developing a tumour in adulthood.

In rare cases brain tumours can be hereditary and are underlying hereditary diseases, like the type I neurofibromatosis, the mismatch repair cancer syndrome (MMRCS), the Von Hippel-Lindau disease and the Li-Fraumeni syndrome.

In case of type I neurofibromatosis, pilocytic astrocytoma often emerge, frequently on both sides of the optic nerve. Also diffuses astrocytoma and other tumours can occur. The MMRCS can cause medulloblastoma in childhood and glioblastoma in adulthood. The Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrom is mostly linked to hemangiomas in the cerebellum.



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