Oligodendrogliomas are a type of brain tumours that are believed to originate from the oligodenrocytes of the brain or from a glial precursor cell. Similar to other gliomas, they can be divided into a low-grade and an anaplastic variant.
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Aktuelles aus dem Oligodendrogliom Forum
Aktuelle Beiträge zum Thema Oligodendrogliom | Antw. |
Histology of Oligodendroglioma
- oligodendroglioma (WHO grade II)
- anaplastic oligodendroglioma (WHO grade III)
Epidemiology of Oligodendroglioma
- peak age between 35 and 50
- in childhood around 10
- men are a little more often affected
Symptoms of Oligodendroglioma
- mainly epileptic seizures as initial sign
- symptoms of cerebral pressure (headache, nausea, emesis)
- less frequently neurological deficits and organic psycho syndrome
- locally caused symptoms related to increased growth
Diagnosing Oligodendroglioma
- diagnosis with MRT and CT
- sometimes biopsy to confirm diagosis
- CT to detect frequently occuring calcifications
- heterogenous enhancement of contrast agent
- sometimes slight enhancement of contrast agent in WHO grade II
- diffusely infiltrating in surrounding tissue
- often hemorrhages
- main localisation: frontal- and temporal lobe of cerebrum
Therapy of Oligodendroglioma
- as complete as possible surgical removal of brain tumour
- radiotherapy after partial surgeries and anaplastic tumours
- chemotherapy in progressive and anaplastic tumours
- chemotherapy also discussed for grade II tumours
Therapy of Recurrent Oligodendroglioma
- renewed surgery of brain tumour
- (second) irradiation
- chemotherapy with different agents, e.g. PCV-scheme
- experimental therapeutic approaches
Aftercare of Oligodendroglioma
- first check-up 6 weeks after therapy (MRI with contrast agent)
- WHO grade II: check-up every three months, if results are constant every 6 to 12 months
- WHO grade III: every three months (MRI with contrast agent)
Course of Oligodendroglioma
- growth characteristic depends on WHO grade
- high rate of recurrence
- development from WHO grade II to WHO grade III possible