Brain Metastases
Hirnmetastasen sind Tumorabsiedlungen im Gehirn, die von Krebserkrankungen anderer Organe stammen. Dabei wandern vom Primärtumor losgelöste Tumorzellen meist über die Blutbahn ins Gehirn und bilden dort solide Metastasen. Es wird zwischen solitären, singulären und multiplen Hirnmetastasen unterschieden.
- solitär: einzige Absiedlung des Primärtumors, keine Absiedlungen im gesamten restlichen Körper
- singulär: einzige Absiedlung des Tumors im Gehirn, weitere Absiedlungen in anderen Organen sind aber ebenfalls vorhanden
- multiple: gleichzeitig mehrere Tumorherde im zentralen Nervensystem
Aktuelles aus dem Hirnmetastasen Forum
Distribution of Brain Metastases in Metastases from
- 40-60% bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer)
- 15-20% mamma carcinoma (breast cancer)
- 10-15% malignant melanoma (pigmented skin cancer)
- 10-20% primary tumour unknown, 5% remain unknown
- 5% gastrointestinal carcinoma (digestive tract)
- 5% renal cell carcinoma
Development of Brain Metastases from
- 45% of malignant melanoma (pigmented skin cancer)
- 45% of small-cell bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer)
- 30% of non-small-cell bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer)
- 20% of mamma carcinoma (breast cancer)
- 20% of renal cell carcinoma
- 8% of gastrointestinal carcinoma (digestive tract)
- 6% of tumours of urinary tract/ bladder
- 2% of prostate carcinoma
Symptoms of Brain Metastases
- depending on localisation
- 50% headache
- 50% neurological deficits
- 30% organic brain syndrome
- 15-20% epileptic seizure
- further signs of intracranial pressure (nausea, emesis, fatigue)
Diagnosing Brain Metastases
- with CT or MRI with contrast agent
- if primary tumour is unknown, biopsy to determine tissue
- if necessary liquor examination
- annular contrast agent enhancement
- edema
- often hemorrhages
- main localisation: mainly in cerebrum, less often in cerebellum and brain stem
Therapy of Brain Metastases
- depending on quantity, localisation and size of metastases and the primary tumour
- surgery
- radiation of the entire head
- stereotactic radiosurgery
- chemotherapy
Therapy of Recurrent Brain Metastases
- requires individual decision
- renewed surgery of brain metastases
- second irradiation
- chemotherapy
Aftercare of Brain Metastatses
- check-ups every three months (CT and/or MRI)
- completely oncological aftercare
Course of Brain Metastases
- strong tendency to recurrence
- rarely local resolution
Prognosis of Brain Metastatses
- depending on course of underlying disease
- metastases show progression of cancer
- without treatment median survival of few weeks
- bad prognosis despite therapy
- positive prognostic factors: age, controlled primary tumour and no extracranial metastases