
Brain Tumours worldwide

The worldwide cancer incidence of a malignant brain tumour is 3.4 per 100,000 people (men: 3.9 per 100,000, women: 3.0 per 100,000). [1]

In 2012, these were a total of 256,213 affected worldwide (139,608 men and 116,605 women). [2] The trend of new cases is rising. In 2002, there where 189,582 sufferers worldwide.

Every day about 700 people are diagnosed with a maligant brain tumour.



[1] IARC: GLOBOCAN 2012. Estimated Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence Worldwide.

[2] IARC: GLOBOCAN 2012. Estimated Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence Worldwide.



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