Brain Tumours in Germany
In Germany every year, around 477,300 people are newly diagnosed with cancer. [1]
The average disease incidence of a primary malignant brain tumour is 9.7 (men) or 7.3 (women) per 100,000 people. [2] These tumours are malignant tumours of the CNS, such as glioblastomas, anaplastic astrocytoma, anaplastic meningiomas, etc. (ICD 10, C70-C72).
In 2010, a total of 6,920 people (3,890 men and 3,030 women) [3] were diagnosed with a malignant primary brain tumour, 2012 a total of more than 7.000 people (3.977 men and 3.139 women). [4]
[1] Robert Koch Institute / Society of Epidemiological Cancer Registries in Germany (eds): Cancer in Germany 2009-2010. Abundances and trends. 9. revised edition. Berlin, 2013. P. 16
[2, 3] Robert Koch Institute / Society of Epidemiological Cancer Registries in Germany (eds): Cancer in Germany 2009-2010. Abundances and trends. 9. revised edition. Berlin, 2013. P. 104
[4] IARC: GLOBOCAN 2012. Estimated Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence worldwide.