Clinical Trials

New Therapeutic Approaches on the Test Rig

Many medical centres run clinical trials for the treatment of brain tumours. This way, patients concerned have the chance to benefit from new therapeutic approaches, which are only available in trials at that moment. This kind of therapy on the one hand means hope for a higher quality of life or even the chance for a cure but on the other hand it involves risks, because the new treatment is still in the research phase.


However, clinical trials are no foolhardy human experimentations. The patients´ safety must be guaranteed at all times. The preclinical tests (laboratory studies and animal tests), which form the basis for the study protocol, are followed by different stages of clinical studies (phase I-III):


In phase I (toxicity test) toxicity and tolerability of the new substance are investigated in a few participants.


In phase II (efficacy test) the mode of action, the application and the dose are tested in a larger group of patients.


In phase III (comparison with best practices) it is examined whether the new therapy is superior.

If the results of all three phases proof the therapy´s safety and efficacy, an application for approval is submitted.


The German Brain Tumour Association encourages all patients to be informed about the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial. Permanent and current information about clinical trials are a fundamental requirement for an optimal therapy and education for brain tumour patients. For further infomation about running clinical trials for brain tumour patients call 0049 3437.702 702.

Zurück zur Therapie von Hirntumoren



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