

Whoever intends on helping in a certain way, but in a longer term, is able to establish a foundation. Opening up for way your personal property, were money is not just wasted, but invested. Taking into account a supporting foundation in favour of the Deutsche Hirntumorstiftung, you would promote specific projects in the neurooncological field and aim to improve the quality of life of people affected. With a regular payout of interest and surplus you could make sure that our projects will be supported permanently.

The generous support of foundations can contribute a lot to our services. There has to be a way to finding a cure for brain tumours, as soon as possible. However this is only to be achieved with the improvement of research. Unfortunately this is where we are dealing with a difficult and expensive. And for that we need your support.

The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V. has been committed to the improvement of the life situation of affected people and a breakthrough in research with all their means for more than ten years. Please support us with our mission. Induce something good with your personal property. And allow brain tumour patients and their relatives to hope for a better future.

If you consider to build up a foundation in favour of the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe, we are happy to answer upcoming questions. Call +49.341.590 93 96 an or write us:

Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.
Karl-Heine-Straße 27
04229 Leipzig

Thank you for placing trust in us.

Donation Account:


Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.
Sparkasse Muldental

IBAN: DE 83 8605 0200 1010 0369 00

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