Donate to Jubilee

Donate to the Jubilee

Donations instead Flowers - an example

Guests are invited, cake is ordered - this is the time when the jubilarian often asks himself: “What kind of present would I like to have? Don’t I already have everything I need?” In fact, many of us feel the same way on birthdays, marriages, company jubilees or on other events. And how often isn’t it a burden rather than pleasure having to come up with a creative, individual idea for a present as a guest?


Something usually not buyable with money, but essential for a happy life, such as health and hope now are. Think of giving a little thought to others, not having that privilege, at your celebration. Think about giving those people hope, whose life is affected by a serious disease. Follow the lead of “Donations instead of presents” and suggest your guests to donate in favour of the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.


By using a campaign code your congrats can transfer the money directly to the donation account of the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.. Please inform us about your appeal for funds, so we on the other hand are able to let you know about the final sum of the received donations. If you are interested, we offer to give you information material as well as a bank transfer form with your individual campaign code written on.


With a jubilee donation you help twice as much: The money is a direct support of projects for brain tumour patients. And in the meantime you are drawing attention to the situation of brain tumour patients and inform others about the work we do.

Thanks a lot for your involvement.  


For questions concerning jubilee donations don’t hesitate to call. +49.341.590 93 96.

Donation Account:


Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.
Sparkasse Muldental

IBAN: DE 83 8605 0200 1010 0369 00



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