Details for Donators

Your donation is tax-deductable

Contributions to the Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe are tax-deductable. For donations who are less than 200 euros, you just need to hand in your deposit receipt.


If you donate more than 200 Euro, we will send you unsolicited once a year a certificate. You will get a voucher in January for the recent year if you write down your full adress on the bank transfer form. If you didn’t get a certificate until the end of January, please contact our donation administration:

Your contact person:

Mrs. Schönherr

telephone: 0049.341.590 93 96


The donation receipt

The donation receipt is the form people can use in order to deduct their donation from their income tax. This means that this amount money is going to be taken into account whenmaking tax returns.

Law framework

The Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe is considered by law worthy of support. (§ 52 Abs. 2 Nr. 3, 10 Abgabenordnung). Our organisation doesn’t have to pay corporate tax, because it only aims for charity in the sense of §§ 51 ff. AO. Every donations is going to be used statutory.

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